Video – Godfrey’s Test

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Godfrey’s Test

The Godfrey’s test is used to detect the presence of posterior cruciate ligament insufficiency.

With the patient in the supine position, cup the patient’s heels and lift their legs into a position of 90 degrees of hip and knee flexion. Compare the anterior profiles of both knees. In this position, the anterior tibial plateau of a normally aligned tibia should be approximately 10 mm in front of the femur. If it is displaced posteriorly, it indicates insufficiency of the posterior cruciate ligament. The extent of the displacement indicates the severity and can be graded as follows:

  • Grade 1 is when there is a palpable step of approximately 5mm.
  • Grade 2 is when the tibial plateau and femoral condyles are level.
  • Grade 3 is when the tibial plateau is displaced below the level of the femoral condyles.

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